Aveiro Museum

A must-see on your visit to Aveiro. A former monastery, this space is now a must-see in Aveiro


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It occupies the Monastery of Jesus, a women's convent founded in 1458 as a modest seclusion. The presence among the nuns of Princess Joana, daughter of King Afonso V, from 1472 onwards, led to the aggrandisement of the monastery. The monastery which, over the next three centuries, underwent successive remodelling and construction.

The Church of Jesus, with its rich gilded woodwork and tiles, the tomb of the Princess, a Baroque masterpiece, the cloister (15th/16th centuries) and the refectory with tiled walls and a graceful reading tribune tiled walls and a graceful reading tribune. An important collection of Portuguese Baroque art (17th/18th centuries). Sculpture, carving, paramentaria and jewellery. Portuguese painting from the XV to XVIII, especially the portrait of Princess St Joan.